If you’re reading this, odds are you know it’s time to deep clean your home. But don’t worry, this task isn’t as daunting as it sounds!
When you’re dealing with a big task like a house cleaning, it’s harder to get started than anything else because it seems so difficult. Luckily, we have some helpful tips that will make it more efficient and give you the confidence you need to begin.
Below, we give you five quick tips to help you deep clean your home without getting overwhelmed. Keep reading for some easy ideas that will make you feel like a house cleaning pro in no time!
1. Don’t Clean Room by Room
For many, the most obvious way to clean is room-by-room. But many experts agree that it’s actually more efficient to clean step-by-step.
Instead of deep cleaning each room on its own, pick a step and work your way through the house. Declutter each room, then vacuum each room, and then wipe down each room.
Whatever cleaning methods you decide to employ, do it all at once rather than in bits and pieces.
2. Declutter First
Ever start cleaning only to be distracted by all the items around your home?
If you really want to give your home a deep clean, make sure to take care of all the little things first.
Declutter counters and desks, pick up loose toys, and make sure as many surfaces are cleared off as possible. After that, deep cleaning becomes much easier!
3. Clean the Fridge Inside and Out
Often overlooked, your fridge is likely due for a deep clean.
Toss all expired food, and ditch any leftovers you aren’t going to eat. Clear off all the shelves and empty drawers so you can give all surfaces a good wipe.
You’ll finish with a sparkly and organized fridge that doesn’t have any unnecessary clutter.
Not only will this eliminate odors and help you reclaim some plastic containers, but it makes building a grocery list easier!
4. Use a Coffee Filter on Electronic Screens
When you deep clean your home, it’s a great time to clean and disinfect all the screens your electronics have. But before you grab paper towels or a rag, check to see if you have some coffee filters.
A favorite of professional house cleaners, coffee filters gently wipe away cleaning spray and grime without leaving any streaks. They are also delicate on glass and don’t risk any damage.
Plus, odds are you’ve got plenty of coffee filters at home!
5. Clean Your Washing Machine
You may assume that your washing machine doesn’t need to be cleaned, but it actually does! Over time, mold and mildew can accumulate in this appliance, causing odors or impacting performance.
To clean your washing machine, first, check to see if your model has a self-clean cycle. If it doesn’t no worries!
Simply run a cycle of hot water with two cups of white vinegar instead of detergent. After, give the inside a good scrub with more of the vinegar and hot water mixture.
Then give the machine one last rinse with a hot cycle and not vinegar, and voila! A clean washing machine to take your laundry up to the next level.
Use These Quick Tips to Deep Clean Your Home
Whether it’s time for spring cleaning or you’re getting ready for guests, these five tips will make your next deep cleaning session faster than ever! It’s never been simpler to deep clean your home.
And remember, it’s never a bad time to hire a professional service to lend their expertise! Reach out today for more information about our professional house cleaning services.